Monday, January 31, 2011

"I Am An Activist" and "People for the American Way"

         In today's post, I'd like to focus on a specific interest group that is heavily involved in encouraging individuals to be active members of the polticial and social world. The group's message and purpose is restoring America back to the image of the founding fathers: that all men would be treated equal.

“People For the American Way is dedicated to making the promise of America real for every American: Equality. Freedom of speech. Freedom of religion. The right to seek justice in a court of law. The right to cast a vote that counts. The
American Way.”
        -Mission Statement from the official website of People For The American Way

       People For the American Way (PFAW) is a non-profit organization that seeks to influence public policy as well as public opinion on a variety of modern-day issues. According to the mission statement easily accessible on their official webpage, the group focuses on a variety of issues all in some way pertaining to the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution as well as other important U.S. documents. That is, they focus on policy and cultural issues pertaining to the “opportunity for all and the freedom to learn; freedom of conscience; civic participation; community and family; societal and personal responsibility; fairness and justice; pluralism and diversity”. Part of the mission statement states, “We believe a society that reflects these constitutional principles and progressive values is worth fighting for, and we take seriously our responsibility to cultivate new generations of leaders and activists who will sustain these values for the life of this nation.” They have been involved with a number of active battles over nominees for the judicial courts and policy decisions regarding issues including the size of public school classes, separation of church and state (names prayer in school or any other school activity that make mentions of god), civil rights, voting law and procedures in Washington, DC and equality for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBT) community people. The PFAW also actively promotes and encourages civic participation.
           Young People For (YP4) is a program launched by People For the American Way in 2004 to, according to the webpage, serve “motivated, socially aware, diverse and creative young adults who are emerging leaders in their communities, and works with them to create positive change in their communities while empowering the newest generations of skilled, progressive leaders who will lead with progressive values, make progress in their communities today, and create sustainable change over the long term”. Programs include everything from organizations of college campuses to leadership academies to train and educate members of YP4.

I encourage you to look into this group more or others like it. Being involved in an interest group is a wonderful way to meet others who share your goals and passions. It's also a great place to start if you'd like to make a difference and become active but are unsure of how to do so. There are literally hundreds of interest groups to choose from and all groups offer different incentives, benefits, and goals.

I'd like to close today's post with a quote by the founder of "I Am An Activist", an organization that helps individuals connect with others of a like mind with similar goals and provides ways for people to make a difference. Below are her thoughts of why activism is important. Read her thoughts and then think carefully about the image that follows. Can you make the connection between her words and the explicit humility depicted in the photo?

Activism is being a voice for the voiceless, standing up for the weak
I am not an activist in pursuit of recognition or fame.
I am not an activist so that strangers will think I am a good person.
I am not an activist because it’s good for business
(although more often than not, it is).
I am an activist because being an activist makes me feel alive.
and the frail, engaging the human spirit. It’s putting your head above
the parapet. Being heard. Being seen. Being counted
I wake up every morning thinking… this is my last day.
And I jam everything into it. There’s no time for mediocrity.
This is no damned dress rehearsal. You’ve got one life, so just lead it.
And try to be remarkable
Being an activist is sexy. Being a voice of dissent, getting informed,
finding something in yourself that gets you outraged so you expose
the truth and get active is far ‘cooler’ than worrying about split ends
and spots.
-Dame Anita Roddick - 1942 - 2007Source: I Am An Activist


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